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Sponsorship and Donations

We’ve got a bold plan, ridding the entire Wainui Valley (1600ha or so) of pests and creating an awesome habitat for our flora and fauna, and our human inhabitants!

We think actually, with not a lot more effort (actually, quite a lot more effort, but geographically more easy to defend) we could capture our side of the peninsula, but that’s another story!  

Right now, we’re seeking partners to help achieve our more realistic goals. But to be frank we’re still defining the specifics of what is involved, and required.

But we have the opportunity here to do things differently.  We can be more agile, more experimental, and we can publish the results, as they happen.

We’re interested in partners than can be part of that story. We believe it’s going to be a great one and we’re keen to discuss how we add you name to it and deliver value back to your organisation.

Drop us a line:

Lawrence Smith
ph: 021346486

Let’s work together to help reWild Wainui!

Join our community initiative to reduce Weeds, remove Pests and replant Natives.

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