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Bringing the Wild back to Wainui

Giving mother nature a hand, enhancing Wainui as a haven in which nature and people thrive

Living in or visiting Wainui, you might have walked out your door, smelt the bush or the sea, heard the birdsong of the local bellbird, or felt the whoosh of the Kereru flying past.  Or you might have been for a walk on the beach, in the bush, or outdoors and felt a sense of peace and relaxation. The environment around us, nature, is calming and restorative, and research confirms that it benefits our mental health and wellbeing. Nature is good for humans.

But while we’re lucky to have rich natural environment in Wainui, it is constantly under threat. Only one percent of the original forest on Banks Peninsula remains, we have numerous weeds or environmental factors that threaten our native bush and landscape, and pests such as possums, rats and stoats are wreaking havoc on our native bird species.  

reWild Wainui is an idea that as a community we can lend a hand to mother nature, helping our fauna and flora thrive and flourish, while at the same time helping ourselves.

Together we can work towards further enhancing Wainui as a haven, in which nature and people thrive.

Together we can help nature by …

reducing Weeds

Weeds outcompete native plants, depriving our native birds and the bees of important food sources.

Reducing weeds such as old man’s beard helps our native plant species flourish again.

removing Pests

Introduced predators such as rats, stoats and possums are our native birds’ worst enemies as they have no natural defense.

Removing pests means more food for our native invertebrates and birds, and a safe environment to live in.

replanting Natives

Our native birds love habitats where they can easily find food and water and build a nest.

Replanting natives increases the diversity of our bush, and provides food and shelter for our birds.

A Community Initiative

reWild Wainui is in the early phases of determining how we make a difference as a community. While many of us are already planting natives or catching pests, there are great examples of community groups around the country who have pooled their efforts and expertise to collectively make a greater impact. It’s an idea we’d like to explore here.

Who We Are

Why we’re doing this and why we’re keen to see flourishing flora and fauna in Wainui. Hopefully you will too!

Next Steps

We’re at the beginning, here’s a brief road map of what we think comes next, and what we might do together.

What Can You Do?

The plan is as easy or as involved as you want. More bush & more birdsong, individually & collectively we can make a difference.

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Let’s work together to help reWild Wainui!

Join our community initiative to reduce Weeds, remove Pests and replant Natives.

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Thanks to our supporters and partners!

H & Co for our logo and design work. Thanks so much!

Predator Free NZ, for funding our trapping efforts in the settlement areas.

ECan for funding monitoring and trapping in the SES areas.